11372 hits
7796 users

Customer Details

S.No. Name Number Email Address Product Name Comments
1 Shree Krishna Agrawal 8285889083 [email protected] Gorakhpur
2 Krishna Agrawal 7985521731
3 Anonymous 9876543210
4 Anonymous 8988767890
5 Anonymous 9876543210
6 Anonymous 9999999999
7 Shadman 7011153198
8 Winston 708-320-3171 [email protected] 1876 West Burmeister
Hey guys, I just wanted to see if you need anything in the way of site editing/code fixing/programming, unique blog post material, extra traffic by getting others to start sharing your site across their own social media accounts, social media management, optimizing the site, etc. I have quite a few ways I can set all of this and do this for you. Don't mean to impose, was just curious, I've been doing this for some time and was just curious if you needed an extra hand. I can even do Wordpress a
9 Winston 708-320-3171 [email protected] 1876 West Burmeister
Hey guys, I just wanted to see if you need anything in the way of site editing/code fixing/programming, unique blog post material, extra traffic by getting others to start sharing your site across their own social media accounts, social media management, optimizing the site, etc. I have quite a few ways I can set all of this and do this for you. Don't mean to impose, was just curious, I've been doing this for some time and was just curious if you needed an extra hand. I can even do Wordpress a
10 Eric Jones 416-385-3200 [email protected] 420 Lexington Ave
Hey, You have a website jagreetitextiles.com, right? Of course you do. I am looking at your website now. It gets traffic every day – that you’re probably spending $2 / $4 / $10 or more a click to get. Not including all of the work you put into creating social media, videos, blog posts, emails, and so on. So you’re investing seriously in getting people to that site. But how’s it working? Great? Okay? Not so much? If that answer could be better, then it’s likely you’re putting
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